Event Image - The Legend at Bergamont
Sub-Regional Qualifier
Event Completed

The Legend at Bergamont

699 Bergamont Blvd. , Oregon, WI 53575
Aug 9, 2021
The Path to the National Finals
  1. Local Qualifier
    6 Local Qualifiers
  2. Sub-Regional Qualifier
    Event Completed
    Oregon, WI 53575
    Aug 9, 2021
  3. Regional Qualifier
    Event Completed
    Medinah, IL 60157
    Sep 11, 2021


1 User Generated Image - Texas Terry Texas Terry
  1. 28
  2. 40
  3. 55
  4. 123
2 dcp-logo-no-words.png Beckett Goninen
  1. 21
  2. 45
  3. 35
  4. 101
3 dcp-logo-no-words.png Will Matthews
  1. 18
  2. 17
  3. 60
  4. 95
4 dcp-logo-no-words.png Troy Klein
  1. 15
  2. 50
  3. 30
  4. 95
5 dcp-logo-no-words.png Kalon Smith
  1. 13
  2. 32
  3. 42
  4. 87
6 dcp-logo-no-words.png Samuel Pucci
  1. 22
  2. 26
  3. 37
  4. 85
7 dcp-logo-no-words.png Tyce Gonzalez
  1. 12
  2. 45
  3. 26
  4. 83
8 dcp-logo-no-words.png James McCallum
  1. 21
  2. 18
  3. 37
  4. 76
9 dcp-logo-no-words.png Taiyo Yoshida
  1. 13
  2. 35
  3. 27
  4. 75
10 dcp-logo-no-words.png Declan Fitzgerald
  1. 20
  2. 12
  3. 40
  4. 72
11 dcp-logo-no-words.png Daniel Wagner
  1. 17
  2. 3
  3. 41
  4. 61
12 dcp-logo-no-words.png Myles Heinzmann
  1. 16
  2. 3
  3. 40
  4. 59
13 dcp-logo-no-words.png Thomas Fussaro
  1. 6
  2. 4
  3. 47
  4. 57
14 dcp-logo-no-words.png Ben Umbarger
  1. 11
  2. 4
  3. 41
  4. 56
15 dcp-logo-no-words.png James Labuz
  1. 10
  2. 3
  3. 41
  4. 54
16 dcp-logo-no-words.png Keegan Markham
  1. 15
  2. 3
  3. 36
  4. 54
17 dcp-logo-no-words.png Doran Zwygart
  1. 5
  2. 26
  3. 23
  4. 54
18 dcp-logo-no-words.png Tucker Jackson
  1. 13
  2. 4
  3. 18
  4. 35

Pairing Results

139 results
1 11:00 AM Boys 7 - 9
Keegan Markham
2 11:02 AM Boys 7 - 9
James McCallum
3 11:04 AM Boys 7 - 9
Daniel Wagner
4 11:06 AM Boys 7 - 9
Will Matthews
5 11:08 AM Boys 7 - 9
Kalon Smith
6 11:10 AM Boys 7 - 9
Declan Fitzgerald
7 11:12 AM Boys 7 - 9
Texas Terry
8 11:14 AM Boys 7 - 9
James Labuz
9 11:16 AM Boys 7 - 9
Tyce Gonzalez
10 11:18 AM Boys 7 - 9
Thomas Fussaro
11 11:20 AM Boys 7 - 9
Troy Klein
12 11:22 AM Boys 7 - 9
Beckett Goninen
13 11:24 AM Boys 7 - 9
Tucker Jackson
14 11:26 AM Boys 7 - 9
Myles Heinzmann
15 11:28 AM Boys 7 - 9
Samuel Pucci
16 11:30 AM Boys 7 - 9
Ben Umbarger
17 11:32 AM Boys 7 - 9
Taiyo Yoshida
18 11:34 AM Boys 7 - 9
Doran Zwygart
19 11:41 AM Girls 7 - 9
Madalyn McCall
20 11:43 AM Girls 7 - 9
Emmeline Labuz
21 11:45 AM Girls 7 - 9
Sophie Altis
22 11:47 AM Girls 7 - 9
Calla Ouimette
23 11:49 AM Girls 7 - 9
Tinley Kelsey
24 11:51 AM Girls 7 - 9
Adalyn Lupton
25 11:53 AM Girls 7 - 9
Sloane Marquette
26 11:55 AM Girls 7 - 9
Audrey Klein
27 11:57 AM Girls 7 - 9
Maya Martinek
28 11:59 AM Girls 7 - 9
Alessandra (ali) Blau
29 12:01 PM Girls 7 - 9
Brooke Neumann
30 12:03 PM Girls 7 - 9
Victoria Pu
31 12:05 PM Girls 7 - 9
Taytum Oswald
32 12:07 PM Girls 7 - 9
Elaina Calado
33 12:09 PM Girls 7 - 9
Sophia Engelke
34 12:16 PM Boys 10 - 11
Brennan Siemens
35 12:18 PM Boys 10 - 11
Giovanni Rios
36 12:20 PM Boys 10 - 11
Finn McDowell
37 12:22 PM Boys 10 - 11
Finn Thomas Helminen
38 12:24 PM Boys 10 - 11
Ross Schieble
39 12:26 PM Boys 10 - 11
Ryder Ouimette
40 12:28 PM Boys 10 - 11
Samuel Van Rossum
41 12:30 PM Boys 10 - 11
Casey Heinz
42 12:32 PM Boys 10 - 11
Hunter Kastengren
43 12:34 PM Boys 10 - 11
Michael Johnson
44 12:36 PM Boys 10 - 11
Joseph Amiot
45 12:38 PM Boys 10 - 11
Wyatt Klein
46 12:40 PM Boys 10 - 11
Crosby King
47 12:42 PM Boys 10 - 11
Owen Purdin
48 12:44 PM Boys 10 - 11
Caleb Bardenwerper
49 12:46 PM Boys 10 - 11
Ledius Felipe
50 12:48 PM Boys 10 - 11
Chase Thomas
1 of 3
138 results
81 2:12 PM Boys 12 - 13
Jackson Albee
65 1:23 PM Girls 10 - 11
Lucy Allen
21 11:45 AM Girls 7 - 9
Sophie Altis
44 12:36 PM Boys 10 - 11
Joseph Amiot
55 1:03 PM Girls 10 - 11
Lola Appleby
48 12:44 PM Boys 10 - 11
Caleb Bardenwerper
122 3:46 PM Boys 14 - 15
Chase Baugh
119 3:40 PM Boys 14 - 15
Dylan Bilderback
108 3:18 PM Boys 14 - 15
Parker Bilderback
92 2:40 PM Girls 12 - 13
Mya Bindl
28 11:59 AM Girls 7 - 9
Alessandra (ali) Blau
103 3:02 PM Girls 12 - 13
Alayna Brandt
54 1:01 PM Girls 10 - 11
Gweneth Brandt
93 2:42 PM Girls 12 - 13
Madison Bugbee
76 2:02 PM Boys 12 - 13
Jackson Buttke
32 12:07 PM Girls 7 - 9
Elaina Calado
138 4:24 PM Girls 14 - 15
Chloe Chappell
80 2:10 PM Boys 12 - 13
Grady Cheever
124 3:56 PM Girls 14 - 15
Sydnie Clemons
110 3:22 PM Boys 14 - 15
Frank Colbert
130 4:08 PM Girls 14 - 15
Kendyl Conrad
51 12:50 PM Boys 10 - 11
Ayush Damodar
128 4:04 PM Girls 14 - 15
Bela Dodd
133 4:14 PM Girls 14 - 15
Laila Ehiorobo
33 12:09 PM Girls 7 - 9
Sophia Engelke
107 3:16 PM Boys 14 - 15
Evan Fahey
49 12:46 PM Boys 10 - 11
Ledius Felipe
68 1:29 PM Girls 10 - 11
Emma Fiocchi
6 11:10 AM Boys 7 - 9
Declan Fitzgerald
118 3:38 PM Boys 14 - 15
Rylan Frazer
120 3:42 PM Boys 14 - 15
Noah Frederickson
73 1:56 PM Boys 12 - 13
Thomas Freeman
10 11:18 AM Boys 7 - 9
Thomas Fussaro
96 2:48 PM Girls 12 - 13
Claire Girten
64 1:21 PM Girls 10 - 11
Vivian Gomberg
12 11:22 AM Boys 7 - 9
Beckett Goninen
99 2:54 PM Girls 12 - 13
Brinley Goninen
117 3:36 PM Boys 14 - 15
Camden Goninen
9 11:16 AM Boys 7 - 9
Tyce Gonzalez
98 2:52 PM Girls 12 - 13
Ashley Greenhill
1 of 4

How to Get There

Use the map below for directions to the qualifying site.

The Legend at Bergamont

699 Bergamont Blvd. , Oregon, WI 53575
Get Directions

What to Expect

Drive, Chip and Putt is open to boys and girls ages 7-15. Boys and girls will compete in separate divisions in four age categories: 7-9 years old; 10-11 years old; 12-13 years old; and 14-15 years old.

0:00 / 0:00
Video Companion
What to Expect at Your DCP Local Qualifier

Competition Overview

  • Each participant will compete in all three skills (Drive, Chip and Putt).
  • Participants will attempt three shots per skill, for a total of nine shots. Participants accumulate points per shot in all three skills.
  • The champion in each individual skill competition will be determined by the participant with the most points accumulated in that particular skill.
  • The overall champion in each age category will be determined by the participant with the most points accumulated between all three skills.

Drive Skill

  • Each participant will attempt three drives from the same teeing area.
  • All drives will be played to a 40-yard wide grid and the ball must come to rest in the grid to score points.

Chip Skill

  • Each participant will attempt three chips from the same location approximately 10-15 yards from the hole.
  • All chips will be measured and scored from the center of the hole with lines clearly marking the scoring rings.

Putt Skill

  • Each participant will attempt three total putts, with one attempt from each of the following distances: 6’, 15’ and 30’.
  • All putts will be measured and scored from the center of the hole with lines clearly marking the scoring rings.


  • Prizes will be awarded to individual skill champions as well as overall champions for boys and girls in each age category.

Tee Times and Additional Information

  • Tee times and any additional information needed for the qualifier will be shared via email communication after the close of registration.


Event Tee Times now start at 11am CT

Thanks for your patience as we navigate our options with the weather moving into this area. We are implementing a 2 hour delay. This means start times will be delayed exactly 2 hours. If your child's tee time was 9:45am, it is now at 11:45am. These changes will be made on the  event information page momentarily. 

Although the threat of dangerous weather (i.e. lightning) is not an issue at the moment, the practice facility is not usable to conduct the competition as we see fit. We anticipate this changing in the next few hours!

At this point, we are doing everything we can to conduct this competition today, including using all daylight hours. 

If your child(ren) do not wish to participate, please send me an email directly. (This does not change the alternate policy). 

Practice Areas & What to Expect on Arrival


There will be designated places to warm up for chipping and putting, and a few spots for driving. Players should keep their range time to a minimum for safety and fairness of all participants. 

Registration will take place in the parking lot, while the entire competition will be held on the practice range. 

Scoring will be inside the main lobby of the Clubhouse. 

The dress code will be enforced: Collared shirts tucked in and no denim, sweatpants or hoodies for participants. Men are not permitted to wear hats inside. 

Alternate Policy


Individuals that placed 4th or 5th in his or her age and gender division, are the 1st and 2nd alternates, respectively. 

If one of the participants that placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd overall from Local Qualifier ABC withdraws, the 1st alternate is contacted from the same Local Qualifier ABC. If the 1st alternate cannot attend, the 2nd alternate is contacted. Alternates must be from the same local qualifier as the individual who withdrew. 

**Alternates are notified via phone first and email second. We wait to hear confirmation either way before contacting the second alternate. 

If neither alternates are available, the field stands as is. If you as the alternate are not contacted before 5pm the night prior to the event, the field stands as is. There are no day-of alternates allowed. 


The Drive, Chip and Putt Executive Committee, its agents and subordinate organizers, reserve the right to make rulings and recommendations regarding the Drive, Chip and Putt competition.

Click here to view the Rules and Regulations in their entirety.

General Overview

  • Drive, Chip and Putt is open to boys and girls ages 7-15. Boys and girls compete in separate divisions in four age categories: 7-9 years old; 10-11 years old; 12-13 years old; and 14-15 years old.
  • Participants will be grouped based on their age as of the National Finals. Participants must be at least 7 years of age, and may not be older than 15 years of age, on the date of the National Finals.
  • All participants will be expected to show proof of eligibility should they advance to Regional Qualifying. Failure to provide a birth certificate or proper form of eligibility verification at the appropriate time will result in that participant being ineligible to compete.
  • Participants may register to compete in only one local qualifier. Competing in more than one local qualifier will result in the automatic disqualification of that participant.
  • All participants must conform to the USGA Rules of Amateur Status. Participation in Drive, Chip and Putt will in no way affect a participant's amateur status.
  • The participant's clubs and golf balls must conform with the requirements set forth in the Rules of Golf.
  • CODE OF CONDUCT: All participants and spectators are requested to display traditional customs of etiquette, proper attire, decorum and behavior, and to obey all policies, signs and verbal instructions of persons administering the competition. Abuse of the golf course or host facility, verbal or physical abuse, threatening or disrespecting a participant, spectator, volunteer, section staff, or other persons conducting, participating in, hosting, or attending a Drive, Chip and Putt event, or interfering in any way, may result in removal from the host facility, and/or disqualification from current or future events.
  • Advice from outside parties is strictly prohibited while a participant is competing; i.e. during each respective skill, from the time a participant is called to their starting time, and/or it is their, or their starting time group's turn to play, through the completion of that skill.

Scoring and Competing

  • Each participant will compete in all three skills (Drive, Chip and Putt).
  • Participants will attempt three shots per skill, for a total of nine shots.
  • Participants will accumulate points in each skill (maximum of 75 points per skill). The participant with the highest number of points in an individual skill will be declared the winner of the skill in his or her age category. The participant with the highest point total in all three skills combined (maximum of 225 points) will be declared the overall champion of his or her age category.
  • Ties in the individual skills will be broken by first comparing the point values for each participant's third attempt in the skill, then the second attempt and finally the first attempt, if necessary. If the participants are still tied, they will share the appropriate place.
  • At local and subregional qualifying, ties in the overall competition will be broken by first comparing the cumulative point total of all three putt attempts. If the cumulative putt point total is the same, compare the point values for each participant's third putt attempt, then second putt attempt and finally the first putt attempt, if necessary. If the tie is still not broken, repeat the same process by using the chip skill next, and finally the drive skill, if necessary. If the participants are still tied, they will share the appropriate place.
  • At regional qualifying, in the case of a tie in the overall score, a single putt at the 15' distance will determine the player advancing to the National Finals. If necessary, repeat the process until the tie is broken. The same points system will be used, and the order of play will be determined by a random draw. (A ball coming to rest on a scoring line will be scored in the higher of the two point rings).
  • From each local qualifier, up to three participants in each age/gender group move on to the subregional event. From each subregional qualifier, the top two participants in each age/gender group qualify to move on to the regional event. At each regional qualifier, one participant in each age/gender group will qualify for the Drive, Chip and Putt National Finals at Augusta National Golf Club.
  • Participants should recognize that their pace of play affects others and they should play promptly. The Rules of Golf recommend a player should make a stroke in no more than 40 seconds (and usually in less time) after the player is able to play without interference or distraction. Based on this, the committee administering qualifiers may, at their discretion, encourage prompt pace of play in situations where a participant’s pace of play is negatively affecting the competition. The procedure should be as follows: If the committee determines a player’s pace of play is negatively affecting the competition, they may A) warn the player while also noting that an additional breach will result in zero points (or the lowest score possible) for that shot, and for each additional breach, they may B) notify the player that their pace of play has resulted in zero points (or the lowest score possible) for that successive shot.

    The Drive, Chip and Putt Executive Committee reserves the right to adjust the total number of participants that advance per qualifying site.

Rules Decisions

  • In coordination with the Drive, Chip and Putt Executive Committee, all on-site decisions made by the host PGA Section staff and PGA Professionals administering local, subregional and regional qualifiers are considered final.

Drive Skill Overview

  1. 40-yard wide grid - all shots must come to rest in the grid to score points.
  2. Flags, lines, ropes or signs indicate boundaries on both sides of the grid.
  3. A ball coming to rest on a boundary lines is considered in bounds.
  4. A ball coming to rest on a scoring line will be scored in the longer of the two scoring grids.
  5. In the event of a tie, the participant's third drive will serve as the tiebreaker (followed by the second drive and then first drive, if necessary). If a tie still exists, the participants share the appropriate place.

Drive Skill Point System

125 yards or less14190-200 yards
225-50 yards15200-210 yards
350-75 yard16210-220 yards
475-100 yards17220-230 yards
5100-110 yards18230-240 yards
6110-120 yards19240-250 yards
7120-130 yards20250-260 yards
8130-140 yards21260-270 yards
9140-150 yards22270-280 yards
10150-160 yards23280-290 yards
11160-170 yards24290-300 yards
12170-180 yards25300+ yards
13180-190 yards

Chip Skill Overview

  1. Each participant will attempt three chips at the scoring hole. All chips will be measured from the center of the hole using clearly marked scoring rings.
  2. A ball coming to rest on a scoring line will be awarded the higher point value.
  3. In the event of a tie, the participant's third chip will serve as a tiebreaker (followed by the second chip and then first chip, if necessary). If a tie still exists, the participants share the appropriate place.
  4. Use of a putter is not allowed in the chip skill. Participants may only use a lofted iron or wood club for this skill. A "chipper" club is considered an approved club for the chip skill.
  5. Use of a tee in the chip skill is prohibited.

Chip Skill Point System

1A ball finishing more than 10' from the hole
2A ball finishing 8' – 10' from the hole
5A ball finishing 6' – 8' from the hole
10A ball finishing 4' – 6' from the hole
15A ball finishing 2' – 4' from the hole
20A ball finishing 2' or nearer to the hole
25Ball Holed

Putt Skill Overview

  1. Each participant will attempt one putt from each distance (6', 15' and 30'). Putts will be measured from the center of the hole using clearly marked scoring rings.
  2. A ball coming to rest on a scoring line will be awarded the higher point value.
  3. In the event of a tie, the participant's third putt will serve as a tiebreaker (followed by the second putt and then first putt, if necessary). If a tie still exists, the participants share the appropriate place.

Putt Skill Point System

1A ball finishing more than 5' from the hole
2A ball finishing 4' – 5' from the hole
5A ball finishing 3' – 4' from the hole
10A ball finishing 2' – 3' from the hole
15A ball finishing 1' – 2' from the hole
20A ball finishing 1' or nearer to the hole
25Ball Holed
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