Event Image - The Courses at Watters Creek
Sub-Regional Qualifier
Event Completed

The Courses at Watters Creek

7201 Chase Oaks Blvd, Plano, TX 75025
Aug 8, 2021
The Path to the National Finals
  1. Local Qualifier
    6 Local Qualifiers
  2. Sub-Regional Qualifier
    Event Completed
    Plano, TX 75025
    Aug 8, 2021
  3. Regional Qualifier
    Event Completed
    Roland, AR 72135
    Oct 2, 2021


1 dcp-logo-no-words.png Aiden Tiet
  1. 46
  2. 36
  3. 75
  4. 157
2 dcp-logo-no-words.png Collin Alstrin
  1. 63
  2. 36
  3. 46
  4. 145
3 dcp-logo-no-words.png Deuce Monroe
  1. 71
  2. 11
  3. 55
  4. 137
4 dcp-logo-no-words.png Connor Bryce
  1. 66
  2. 23
  3. 47
  4. 136
5 dcp-logo-no-words.png Jake Collard
  1. 57
  2. 35
  3. 42
  4. 134
6 dcp-logo-no-words.png Max Chan
  1. 50
  2. 19
  3. 60
  4. 129
7 dcp-logo-no-words.png Brody Doggett
  1. 41
  2. 46
  3. 41
  4. 128
8 dcp-logo-no-words.png Caleb Austin
  1. 64
  2. 21
  3. 42
  4. 127
9 dcp-logo-no-words.png Christian Glover
  1. 57
  2. 21
  3. 45
  4. 123
10 dcp-logo-no-words.png Cole Masters
  1. 35
  2. 45
  3. 41
  4. 121
11 User Generated Image - Khai Reyes Khai Reyes
  1. 21
  2. 60
  3. 35
  4. 116
12 dcp-logo-no-words.png Rishi Matharasi
  1. 63
  2. 18
  3. 31
  4. 112
13 dcp-logo-no-words.png Alex Huang
  1. 45
  2. 17
  3. 45
  4. 107
14 dcp-logo-no-words.png Jake Borowczak
  1. 65
  2. 4
  3. 31
  4. 100
15 dcp-logo-no-words.png Andrew Nelson
  1. 21
  2. 21
  3. 41
  4. 83
16 dcp-logo-no-words.png Riley Gudgeon
  1. 30
  2. 22
  3. 30
  4. 82
17 dcp-logo-no-words.png Jake Bailey
  1. 20
  2. 12
  3. 27
  4. 59

Pairing Results

48 results
1 8:30 AM Boys 14 - 15
Khai Reyes Alex Huang Aiden Tiet
2 8:36 AM Boys 14 - 15
Riley Gudgeon Jake Bailey Brody Doggett
3 8:42 AM Boys 14 - 15
Christian Glover Collin Alstrin Caleb Austin
4 8:48 AM Boys 14 - 15
Rishi Matharasi Jake Borowczak Jagger Cole
5 8:54 AM Boys 14 - 15
Max Chan Andrew Nelson Connor Bryce
6 9:00 AM Boys 14 - 15
Jake Collard Deuce Monroe Cole Masters
7 9:16 AM Girls 14 - 15
Kara Lee Tyler Jordyn Arts Leilani Diezi
8 9:22 AM Girls 14 - 15
Cameron Frazier Trinity Leung Natalia Osborne
9 9:28 AM Girls 14 - 15
Julianna Peterson Tarini Bhoga Laney Hall
10 9:34 AM Girls 14 - 15
Jayme Robertson Aishi Setiawan Anika Das
11 9:40 AM Girls 14 - 15
Madison Weir Gabriela Calce Kyambria Acy
12 9:46 AM Girls 14 - 15
Mai Ueno Annabeth Boyd Riya Bapna
13 10:02 AM Boys 12 - 13
Chase Roman Evan Patel Landon Hilario
14 10:08 AM Boys 12 - 13
Elijah Estonilo Ryan Lee Seth Lillis
15 10:14 AM Boys 12 - 13
Adam Parrish Yash Nair Lucas Milogradov
16 10:20 AM Boys 12 - 13
Jack Clancy Luke Olive Willem “Bo” Van Winden
17 10:26 AM Boys 12 - 13
Gavin Thornfield David Pyle Rohan Sukesh
18 10:32 AM Boys 12 - 13
Charles Novel Kaiden Brantley Gabriel Kalina
19 10:48 AM Girls 12 - 13
Kenzi Cho Vincia Li Daniela Sitompul
20 10:54 AM Girls 12 - 13
Adrielle Miller Zealand Duong
21 11:00 AM Girls 12 - 13
Tatum Churchman Delaney Anderson Addison Reilly
22 11:06 AM Girls 12 - 13
Kaitlyn Hines Naomi Nguyen Emily Machin
23 11:12 AM Girls 12 - 13
Eres Stone Jules Moore
24 11:18 AM Girls 12 - 13
Sophia Giga Camryn Mays Zoe Cole
25 11:34 AM Boys 10 - 11
Kenny Wasutawuttijan Jack Lyssy Zachary Rubis
26 11:40 AM Boys 10 - 11
Liam Davis Lincoln Rubis Kirk Deppe
27 11:46 AM Boys 10 - 11
Joseph Taylor Grey Richardson Ryder Green
28 11:52 AM Boys 10 - 11
Bryar Murphy Parker Nichols Reid York
29 11:58 AM Boys 10 - 11
Traven Tomaso THOMAS MACATEE William Ballotta
30 12:04 PM Boys 10 - 11
Dayne Sadler Addison Cross LUCAS ZHU
31 12:20 PM Girls 10 - 11
Sydney GilmoreMinucci Peyton Lorenson Gracie Walker
32 12:26 PM Girls 10 - 11
Sasha Periagaram Kiara Harper Lily Hoang
33 12:32 PM Girls 10 - 11
Ritva Chandar Alice Baird Reagan Smith
34 12:38 PM Girls 10 - 11
Chloe Hines Christian Richard Macey Hall
35 12:44 PM Girls 10 - 11
Kaylie Chui Aanya Das Canis Jones
36 12:50 PM Girls 10 - 11
Elizabeth Harris Audrey Nester Ella Santos
37 1:06 PM Boys 7 - 9
Pierce Doudney Eli Jimenez Ellis Ducray
38 1:12 PM Boys 7 - 9
Jake Gibson Will Manor Kingston Quillicy
39 1:18 PM Boys 7 - 9
Logan Gerk Wyatt Brindza Cole Murphy
40 1:24 PM Boys 7 - 9
Benjamin Wiertzema Pearson Pyle Nolan Anderson
41 1:30 PM Boys 7 - 9
Kamdyn Purselley Beckham Boone Preston Harvey
42 1:36 PM Boys 7 - 9
Kolby Kubiak Caleb Hill Bradley Harden
43 1:52 PM Girls 7 - 9
Carly Roman Jillian Chu Ani Izabella Cooper
44 1:58 PM Girls 7 - 9
Blake Swearingen Audra Miller Emme Dudley
45 2:04 PM Girls 7 - 9
Jadeyn Taylor Ilah Massingill Zoe-Ivy Gilbert
46 2:10 PM Girls 7 - 9
Giavanna Allen Baylee Glidwell Savannah Walker
47 2:16 PM Girls 7 - 9
Mary Ann Lyssy Charley Potter Macyn Murphree
48 2:22 PM Girls 7 - 9
Franny Dyer Lyla Beasley Hannah Dyer Lydia Xu
143 results
11 9:40 AM Girls 14 - 15
Kyambria Acy
46 2:10 PM Girls 7 - 9
Giavanna Allen
3 8:42 AM Boys 14 - 15
Collin Alstrin
21 11:00 AM Girls 12 - 13
Delaney Anderson
40 1:24 PM Boys 7 - 9
Nolan Anderson
7 9:16 AM Girls 14 - 15
Tyler Jordyn Arts
3 8:42 AM Boys 14 - 15
Caleb Austin
2 8:36 AM Boys 14 - 15
Jake Bailey
33 12:32 PM Girls 10 - 11
Alice Baird
29 11:58 AM Boys 10 - 11
William Ballotta
12 9:46 AM Girls 14 - 15
Riya Bapna
48 2:22 PM Girls 7 - 9
Lyla Beasley
9 9:28 AM Girls 14 - 15
Tarini Bhoga
41 1:30 PM Boys 7 - 9
Beckham Boone
4 8:48 AM Boys 14 - 15
Jake Borowczak
12 9:46 AM Girls 14 - 15
Annabeth Boyd
18 10:32 AM Boys 12 - 13
Kaiden Brantley
39 1:18 PM Boys 7 - 9
Wyatt Brindza
5 8:54 AM Boys 14 - 15
Connor Bryce
11 9:40 AM Girls 14 - 15
Gabriela Calce
5 8:54 AM Boys 14 - 15
Max Chan
33 12:32 PM Girls 10 - 11
Ritva Chandar
19 10:48 AM Girls 12 - 13
Kenzi Cho
43 1:52 PM Girls 7 - 9
Jillian Chu
35 12:44 PM Girls 10 - 11
Kaylie Chui
21 11:00 AM Girls 12 - 13
Tatum Churchman
16 10:20 AM Boys 12 - 13
Jack Clancy
4 8:48 AM Boys 14 - 15
Jagger Cole
24 11:18 AM Girls 12 - 13
Zoe Cole
6 9:00 AM Boys 14 - 15
Jake Collard
43 1:52 PM Girls 7 - 9
Ani Izabella Cooper
30 12:04 PM Boys 10 - 11
Addison Cross
35 12:44 PM Girls 10 - 11
Aanya Das
10 9:34 AM Girls 14 - 15
Anika Das
26 11:40 AM Boys 10 - 11
Liam Davis
26 11:40 AM Boys 10 - 11
Kirk Deppe
7 9:16 AM Girls 14 - 15
Leilani Diezi
2 8:36 AM Boys 14 - 15
Brody Doggett
37 1:06 PM Boys 7 - 9
Pierce Doudney
37 1:06 PM Boys 7 - 9
Ellis Ducray
1 of 4

How to Get There

Use the map below for directions to the qualifying site.

The Courses at Watters Creek

7201 Chase Oaks Blvd, Plano, TX 75025
Get Directions

What to Expect

Drive, Chip and Putt is open to boys and girls ages 7-15. Boys and girls will compete in separate divisions in four age categories: 7-9 years old; 10-11 years old; 12-13 years old; and 14-15 years old.

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Video Companion
What to Expect at Your DCP Local Qualifier

Competition Overview

  • Each participant will compete in all three skills (Drive, Chip and Putt).
  • Participants will attempt three shots per skill, for a total of nine shots. Participants accumulate points per shot in all three skills.
  • The champion in each individual skill competition will be determined by the participant with the most points accumulated in that particular skill.
  • The overall champion in each age category will be determined by the participant with the most points accumulated between all three skills.

Drive Skill

  • Each participant will attempt three drives from the same teeing area.
  • All drives will be played to a 40-yard wide grid and the ball must come to rest in the grid to score points.

Chip Skill

  • Each participant will attempt three chips from the same location approximately 10-15 yards from the hole.
  • All chips will be measured and scored from the center of the hole with lines clearly marking the scoring rings.

Putt Skill

  • Each participant will attempt three total putts, with one attempt from each of the following distances: 6’, 15’ and 30’.
  • All putts will be measured and scored from the center of the hole with lines clearly marking the scoring rings.


  • Prizes will be awarded to individual skill champions as well as overall champions for boys and girls in each age category.

Tee Times and Additional Information

  • Tee times and any additional information needed for the qualifier will be shared via email communication after the close of registration.


The Drive, Chip and Putt Executive Committee, its agents and subordinate organizers, reserve the right to make rulings and recommendations regarding the Drive, Chip and Putt competition.

Click here to view the Rules and Regulations in their entirety.

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